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ASB Members

Thank you for considering joining ASB! ASB’s purpose is to connect the student body to continue to build an amazing school. The school's climate relies on all the students who take part in this club, which is why communication and commitment are very important in ASB. Joining ASB is more than just a title: it's an opportunity for you to make a difference at your school. Even though ASB is voluntary, we expect you to be fully committed and encourage participation. ASB is more than a club; it's a family of individuals who input wonderful ideas to make school days more enjoyable. - Please print and return contract to Ms. Cooper during the ASB meeting. Contract
To become a club, students must complete the application and the club constitution and turn it into Ms. Cooper. Please hand in a printed copy and a digital copy to Ms. Cooper. Ms. Cooper's email is [email protected]
Clubs are required to maintain a record of their meeting agendas and minutes. These documents should be organized in a binder under the supervision of the club advisor. The binder will be reviewed periodically.
Teacher Packet
Club Application - Packet
Agenda and Minutes- Template 
ASB Club Minutes - Template 
3.  If not during school time, Faculty Sponsor fills out the following:
* LAUSD Request to Use Facilities - Sponsor Teacher
* LAUSD Faculty Use Authorization Form - Sponsor Teacher
2. If its a Fundraiser
To use funds from your club, you can request to expend money from your club budget that can be submitted to Ms. Yemi the financial manager
To have a fundraiser at VHTPA, students must complete several steps to be approved. 
Attend ASB and make a motion to have your fundraiser approved 
Just a reminder that if your club plans to host a fundraiser, the attached Fundraising Request form must be signed and submitted by your teacher advisor to Mr. Anwar (Financial Manager) three weeks prior to the start of an event 
* ASB Treasurer sign form 
*  Financial Manager signs form 
* Principal signs form 
Student Body Funds -
Club Rush
To participate in club Rush, club application must be turned in a week before the Club Rush date to Ms. Cooper. Please check your planer or the VHTPA calendar for the Club Rush date 
Any students taking a non HTPA guest to our School Dances must complete the permission slip to attend events and turn it into Ms. Cooper two weeks prior to the dance date. 
Fill out the ASB outside Dance Guest form (Located on VHTPA website)
Attach a copy of the guest school ID card
No Halloween masks, no weapons (real or fake), or costumes that maybe considered inappropriate or offensive.