About » VHTPA Strategies

VHTPA Strategies

CCSS Practices

  • Lead High-Level, Text-Based Discussions
  • Focus on the analysis of content
  • Increase text complexity
  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

Key Instructional Strategies

  • Communicate the purpose of the lesson
  • Question and discussion techniques
  • Feedback to students
  • Project-based assignments
  • Implement use of Academic vocabulary
  • Inquiry based discussions, close reading
  • Purposeful and productive groups
  • Use of graphic organizers

VHTPA Strategies for Success - Document

Common Core State Standards -VHTPA uses CCSS to drive the instructional practices of our teachers. Teachers lead high-level, text-based, in-class discussions to promote critical thinking among all students. Teachers ensure that all students are engaged using project-based assignments and purposeful, productive groups. The higher-order thinking skills that are required of VHTPA students have been derived from Costa's Levels of Questioning. Teachers use this source to lead inquiry-based discussions such as Socratic Seminars where students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

California Common Core – Website



The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a state-led effort designed to improve educational outcomes for students. They develop a clear K-12 set of academic standards in English/Language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These standards are relevant to the real world and reflect the knowledge students need to be successful in college and the workforce. The standards ensure that all students, no matter where they live, are college prepared and workforce ready, and that students are receiving a high quality education that is consistent from school to school and state to state. The CCSS provide a clear road-map for learning for teachers, parents, and students. This will help our students develop critical thinking skills that will prepare them for the real world and reflect the knowledge and skills young people need for success in college and careers.