Mission & Goals
The staff is committed to fulfilling the school’s mission statement, which states “The mission of Dr. Richard A Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy is to provide students with the opportunity to concurrently earn a high school diploma and an Associated Arts degree. Our dedicated staff empowers students to think analytically and creatively while preparing them to be competitive, socially responsible, and successful in the completion of their college degrees.”
All Middle College High Schools share the following design principles:
Empowerment of student through formal leadership roles in school governance, guidance programs such as peer counseling, and in academic support services such as peer tutoring; expectations that teachers are teacher/counselors within a structured system of support for students; student outcomes are measured by multiple assessments including performance based assessments, and formal collaboration exists between the high school and college and is demonstrated through the sharing of educational resources, and coordination of college and high school schedules and calendars.
All Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy students are provided with meaningful learning activities due to implementation of our school mission and vision statement. Curriculum is based on techniques that encourage investigative learning and engage students in rigorous, in depth coursework through Honors, Advanced Placement, and college classes. The teachers and the principal frequently attend professional development workshops focused on differentiated instruction, positive communication inside the classroom, project-based curriculum, and interdisciplinary work. As a result of our tightly knit school community that includes an active college Advisory, an insightful college/high school Alignment Team, a strong Compensatory Educational Advisory.
Our Mission
Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy will graduate college and career-ready critical thinkers who are independent, socially conscious, and prepared to embrace their role in the global community.
Our Vision
Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy will provide students with the opportunity to concurrently earn a high school diploma and an Associate’s Art degree. Our dedicated staff empower students to think analytically and creatively while preparing them to be competitive, socially responsible and successful in the completion of their college degrees.
School-wide Learner Outcomes
Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy will prepare its graduates to be engaged, global minded, multimodal students who are:
*Effective multimodal communicators
*Critical thinkers
*Conscientious collaborate leaders
* Responsible citizens
*Effective multimodal communicators
*Critical thinkers
*Conscientious collaborate leaders
* Responsible citizens
School Profile
Involvement of administration, counselor, teachers, classified staff, parents, and community members is clear in the academic, social, emotional, and physical aspects of students' lives at VHTPA. Teachers at VHTPA show a genuine commitment to students a sincere desire to teach. All parties at VHTPA are closely knit together and create a safe, unified atmosphere where students achieve. VHTPA students participate in activities intended to support students academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. All staff and administration communicate to students the necessity of achieving. Within a caring, unified atmosphere, there are valuable, long-term structures in place to assist students academically and personally. As a result VHTPA students are life-long learners and develop communication skills and skills beneficial for a successful life. Maintaining a clean and safe campus is a priority. Daily, Sheriffs Cadets from the college campus monitor student behaviors and activities before and after school. A high school campus aide also monitors student activity between and after classes and students must sign in and out before leaving the high school area.
Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy will graduate college and career-ready critical thinkers who are independent, socially conscious, and prepared to embrace their role in the global community.