Debate » 2023 to 2024

2023 to 2024

Congratulations to Coach Magadan and our award-winning debate team for doing an excellent job at their first Los Angeles Metropolitan Debate League (LAMDL) tournament!
Friday, October 6, 2023
Our Novice Speaker Award winners were:
Abbigail Sandoval - 10th Place
Sophia Marti - 9th Place
Savannah Jimenez - 8th Place
Our Varsity Speaker Award winners were:
Eric Tobias - 7th Place
Anaiyah Harris - 5th Place
Alliana Huerto - 4th Place
Guadalupe Guitierrez - 3rd Place
Savannah Jimenez and Kaylee Te placed 2nd in the Novice division,
Guadalupe Gutierrez and Anaiyah Harris made it to the Varsity semifinal round,
and Alliana Huerto and Samuel Miramontes placed 2nd in the Varsity division!
We are so proud of everyone on our debate squad! Thank you to all our supporters and Varsity Coach Cameron Ward for his time and guidance. Gooooooo, Monarchs!!