School advising & Resources
Richard A. Vladocic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy accepts applications for incoming 9th grades and incoming 10th graders. Applications are given out in our October orientation. Students must complete packet and turn it into the office. Completed applications; prospective students will sign up for an interview in January. Students will be notified of their acceptance by March. Space is limited.
All incoming 9th grade students take part in a summer bridge program to ensure a smooth transition between middle school and high school. During this time, students tour the campus and experience first-hand their future at VHTPA. A college counselor from Harbor College provides an orientation and discusses the steps necessary in achieving an Associated of Arts Degree. The school discipline plan, rules and expectations are reviewed with students. Teachers discuss and review topics pertinent to academic success such as study skills, time management, and making sensible choices. Students are given a school planner, college course catalog, and schedule book. Junior and Senior students also talk with incoming freshmen about the high school experience and conduct a question / answer session. Time is also spent reviewing and completing preparatory work in Math, English and AVID.
Advisory is a forty minute period each Friday. The administration, instructional staff, and counselor act as advisers. Advisories are led by two student facilitators chosen for their effective communication and successes socially and academically. Advisories function for student emotional well-being, and also promote communication with parents
Students enroll in the AVID elective which is a course designed to support students. In AVID classes, students work on career development and research projects. They also practice filling out college admissions and financial aid forms, scholarship applications, and job applications. Teachers work with students in developing strong personal statements for college applications and usable resume. AVID also provides students with academic support for their other classes through tutorials. Students learn the inquiry process and find solutions to their own questions and problems through collaborative student led tutorials.
Tutoring is available to students after school, before school, and on Saturdays. Mandatory tutoring on weekdays and on Saturday has been implemented for those students performing Basic and below level on standardized testing. Tutoring for college classes is also available through the Harbor College Learning Assistance. Students can also access Tutor.com to receive further assistance with their coursework.
High School and College Counseling Services
Personalization 4 year plans are developed for each student through meeting with the college and high school counselors. Students meet individually and counselors to set an academic path and are given a check-off list of requirements for high school graduation and an A.A. degree. Every year students meet both the high school and college counselor to maintain a successful plan and make changes as needed. The counselor or principal also meet with students and their parents in developing this plan.
LAUSD believes that students need to have a well-rounded experience in high school, which includes academic, life skills, and service experiences. That's why, out of the total of 230 credits you need to graduate from high school, only 160 of them come from core course requirements (marked by a (C) in the table below). The remaining 70 credits come from electives, courses you choose according to your own interests. In addition, LAUSD is adding additional requirements to promote well-roundedness. If you graduate in 2004 or later, you will be asked to demonstrate computer literacy, either through class study or through a performance assignment.
Perhaps most importantly, it is possible for you to meet all the requirements for graduation and still not be eligible for college admission. As more and more students apply for college, these colleges have the option to choose students who go beyond the minimums in course work and extra-curricular activities. The best way for you to make sure your course selections are consistent with your future plans is to work closely with your Counselor.
For additional information on graduation -